Links and Resources
These websites provide additional great content on how the climate and environment affect children
Children’s Environmental Health Collective: https://ceh.unicef.org/
Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University: https://developingchild.harvard.edu/
UNICEF South Asia: https://www.unicef.org/rosa/climate-change-and-environment
These websites provide great content on climate change
Notable Reports
The Climate Crisis is a Child Rights Crisis: Introducing the Children’s Climate Risk Index
Over the Tipping Point: Climate and environmental shocks in the East Asia and Pacific
Interactive Data Sites
Online Courses
Introduction to Children’s Environmental Health - This UNICEF and WHO interactive course is based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) training package on children's environmental health. It is a comprehensive set of internationally harmonized and peer-reviewed materials on the most relevant and pressing issues on children's environmental health. Participants will increase their capacity to recognize, prevent, diagnose and manage children’s conditions related to an array of environmental threats.
Flooding and Early Childhood: Protecting the Most Vulnerable - October 2024 - Hosted by ARNEC
Extreme heat and early childhood development - May 2024 - Hosted by the Center on the Developing Child
From most vulnerable to most valuable: A scoping study to put young children at the heart of climate actions and environmental protection - December 2022 - Hosted by ARNEC
ARNEC Climate Comms and Advocacy Toolkit – Coming Soon!